Vera Marcu

Vera Marcu learned knitting as a child and is still fascinated by this mindful and rewarding activity that brings joy to so many people. The first patterns she was exposed to were written in the European style, with minimal instructions and explanations. As she progressed and started to understand how charts presented the knitted fabric, how certain yarns worked better for certain textures, Vera found herself diverging more and more from patterns, and in the last 20 years she has mostly knitted her own designs. During the quiet times of lockdowns an idea of sharing these patterns with the knitting community became a reality and in 2021 Vera published her first pattern on Ravelry. Since then she has published more than 10 patterns independently, had patterns appear in knitting magazines and is now collaborating with several yarn companies, developing knitwear patterns. Vera likes to design things that are fun to knit but also stylish and practical to wear.

Teaching is also close to her heart, as Vera is a violin and viola teacher with many years of experience. These skills help her understand how people learn, how practical knowledge is shared and explained, and what methods work best for each individual.

Continental Knitting & Reading Graphs

Saturday, 5 April 2025
10:30 am – 12:30 pm and  1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
NB: There are two seperate sessions of this workshop, please ensure you select the correct session when booking
The Judges Room, Carcoar Courthouse

This workshop is for people who already know how to knit but are interested in the continental style of knitting, with the yarn tensioned on the left hand’s index finger. You will learn two different ways to purl and how they can help you become a faster, more efficient knitter.

Attention will also be given to ‘reading’ the fabric as that is a valuable tool in understanding different stitch patterns.

Tutor: Vera Marcu
Cost: $80 pp